Privacy Policy

It is our social responsibility to properly protect personal information collected from all learners and we have established the following personal information protection policy.

  1. In consideration of our company’s business structure, we have a person in charge of management for each department who handles personal information and we would also acquire, use and provide personal information in a lawful and appropriate manner in compliance with laws and regulations. When using personal information, we will use it only when it is necessary.
  2. In business handling personal information, we will comply with laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information and guidelines and other norms prescribed by the country and act in accordance with internal regulations.
  3. In order to handle personal information properly, we strive to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information handled by us by taking necessary and appropriate security measures, .
  4. With respect to the handling of personal information and our personal information protection management system, we set up a window to receive complaints and consultations from people and respond appropriately.
  5. We will revise the contents of the personal information protection management system and continuously make improvements so that personal information protection measures can always be properly taken.

Enacted on May 1, 2017
Representative Director: Harish Sachdeva 

Inquiries to personal information protection policy
Meritech Academy
Personal information consultation window General office person in charge


1) Purpose of using personal information

Learner’s personal information to be disclosed (hereinafter referred to as personal information) shall be used for attaining the following objectives and it will not be used for any other purpose.

  1. Personal information about learners (personal information to be disclosed)
  • To respond to the contents of inquiries sent to us
  • For proper management of our services.
  1. Other
    • When exercising the right under the law or fulfilling the obligation
    • Apart from the above purpose of use, if the private information is needed to be notified or announced for some purpose we acquire consent from the respective person.

2) About the provision of personal information to a third party

We will not provide any personal information to third parties unless there is legal requirement by law. 

3) Regarding the consignment of personal information

We may require your personal information to some extent for the above case 1. In that case we will take appropriate safety measures and strive for safety management.

4) Optionality of providing personal information

Provision of personal information is voluntary, but there are some mandatory fields to fill your personal information. These will help us to provide you service.

5) Acquisition of personal information by a method which the person cannot easily recognize

We do not acquire personal information by using cookies.

6) Procedure to respond to requests for disclosure etc.

In requesting disclosure of your personal information (Notification, Disclosure, Correction, Addition or Deletion of Usage, Stop Usage, Cancellation and Delivery to a Third Party) of your personal information, please contact the following personal information consultation window. We will send you a “Request for Disclosure of Personal Information” (hereinafter referred to as the Disclosure Request). Please fill in the details of the disclosure request according to the items you entered and attach it to the personal identification document (* 1) specified by us and send it by mail to the following “personal information consultation window”. (Applicants can also download from the website.) 

(* 1) When asking for “Notification of purpose of use” or “Disclosure”, confirmation documents of the applicants and a postage stamp. Please enclose it in the disclosure request document. (It will be used as a registered postal fee to send a reply.) If the return stamp is missing and if the return stamp is not enclosed, we will contact you, but within the prescribed period If you cannot pay, we will return the documents and it will not be valid.

7) Personal information protection manager

Meritech Planning Department Manager Contact information: It will be the personal information consultation window below.

8) Consultation window on personal information

For opinions or complaints concerning the handling of personal information, please contact the following personal information consultation window.

Personal information consultation window

Meritech Academy General Affairs Department Person in charge

Meritech Bhavan

I-38, IT City, Sector-83 Alpha, Mohali – 140306, Punjab
